(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 28 : In the End, the Greedy Get Nothing
The episode opens with Skull Kaiser dashing from spare, skeletal treetop to spare, skeletal treetop. The branches look dead, sharp, and brittle, but they support him. There are other people around, climbing to the tops of the trees where fresh, green shoots sprout out, bearing plump fruit. Every time someone reaches the fruit, a swarm of insects falls upon the new growth and devours it down to look like the branches we first saw Skull Kaiser jumping on. From the lower branches, thorns grow fast and thick forcing the damned to climb or be speared. If they get too close to the insect swarm, they suffer the same fate as the fruit. Skull Kaiser is not interested in the fruit because, as the Kaiser Bones explain, he is attuned to his Ghost Light. The rest, however, see the fruit as salvation and try, try, try to acquire it, but are never successful.The insect swarms make several passes at Skull Kaiser who defends himself by slapping them away (they're pretty big locusts!). After their third pass at him, the swarm speaks to him with a collective voice, that of Chuugun. They acknowledge his lack of desire to acquire the fruit, and the treetop branches bend to form a corridor for him. They beckon him to follow them.
We cut to Agrippa and Merlot standing before what's left of the Loss Queen's army. Agrippa steps forward to meet Bone Reaper and Jeder Man, who is sitting atop Gran Pham. They tell them to give up this pitiful stand and to just accept the inevitable. Agrippa snickers and acknowledges that while he was the first to die by Skull Kaiser's hand in the dream, their fight was real and he's still alive; if Skull Kaiser was Samhain's best general, then he should have little to fear from Skull Kaiser's inferiors. His confidence makes both Jeder Man and Bone Reaper uncomfortable. Agrippa continues, saying that of the two here, Jeder Man is the only real threat. Bone Reaper is incensed and thinks to himself that things would be different if Gran Mid were responding to his commands the way he was supposed to. Agrippa questions how effective Bone Reaper would be even with Gran Mid, which pushes the new Skeleton General over the edge. Bone Reaper leaps for Agrippa who is far too much for him. The Ivory Scythe is broken in two and Bone Reaper's head is smashed with a single punch from Agrippa; Agrippa immediately shouts out, "Tabehoudai!" and drains the nearby enemy troops of their life force. Sensing the danger, Jeder Man gets Gran Pham to perform his Charge attack as an escape measure but it's just not fast enough: Gran Pham's front leg gets caught in the draining sphere and it is destroyed causing the elephant to veer violently to one side and drive itself into the ground, now unable to move.
Merlot performs her Phantom Army attack which destroys Gran Pham, but Jeder Man is able to leap clear. Jeder Man is in a quiet rage and walks towards Merlot slowly. She waits calmly and patiently, only holding out her palm until Jeder Man breaks into a run, at which point she uses her Jakuten Drill. This stops Jeder Man's momentum but he's close now. He's bleeding from the wound, but he apparently doesn't consider it serious.
Agrippa and Merlot share a look and Agrippa continues destroying Skeleton and Corpse troops with abandon. Jeder Man raises his arms and is about to grab hold of Merlot. He uses his Den Geki Ha attack, but Merlot is able to deliver a punch that sinks right into the wound she left with the Jakuten Drill! Jeder Man's eyes go wide and he realizes the power of the Jakuten Drill. It not only wounded him but created a flaw in the Den Geki Ha's coverage, which Merlot was able to exploit. Jeder Man falls down dead after expressing his thorough disgust.
We cut back to Skull Kaiser who is greeted amiably by Chuugun. Skull Kaiser is shocked because he realizes that Chuugun, a locust man, is a long-dead, legendary commander of the Loss Queen's army!
To Be Continued...
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