(Halloween Empire)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 16 : Puppet General Nou Wire
The episode opens more or less where the last left off: Phantasma King and Skull Kaiser are taking on Gran Lej and the rest of the puppet army all by themselves. Gran Lej did wonderfully against Gran Mid, but it's not anywhere near as effective against two small, and very skilled opponents. Skull Kaiser, sure that Nou Wire is nearby somewhere, posits that the Puppet General is a coward. Nou Wire cannot stomach such an insult and he's also growing concerned about the state of his army/Gran so he becomes visible and orders his army to stop fighting. He assures Skull Kaiser that there are many ways to fight. Skull Kaiser is disdainful and tells him to prove it. Further rankled, Nou Wire attempts to lash Skull Kaiser with the Relic Cords, using his Shinkei Whip attack. Skull Kaiser catches the cords which wrap about his arm as the Voice of a Hundred Heroes explain that Nou Wire attempted to posses him, but the Kaiser Bones, being possessed of many spirits already, made him proof against the attack. Skull Kaiser asks if this is all Nou Wire can do. Nou Wire is mortified but quickly changes his approach, striking at Phantasma King this time with the Shinkei Whip attack. Phantasma King has no such proof against the attack and is taken somewhat by surprise. Nou Wire laughs maniacally and disappears as Phantasma King, under Nou Wire's control, starts trying to attack Skull Kaiser. He is easily repelled by Skull Kaiser, and Skull Kaiser tells him that it's no use. Nou Wire laughs again and this time Phantasma King disappears as well. Just as Skull Kaiser is about to use the Kaiser Scan, a loud shout heralds Titan Foiler's arrival. Skull Kaiser stands straight and brushes himself off to properly greet his best friend (this is the first time they've interacted since Skull Kaiser's defection). Nou Wire decides to remain silent and hidden to see if the great Titan Foiler will take care of his job for him. Titan Foiler expresses concern for Skull Kaiser, he fears that he's been put under the Loss Queen's spell. He tells his friend to open his eyes, to come back to Samhain, that he'll use his influence to reduce his punishment, that there's still time to give up this foolish quest. Skull Kaiser shakes his head and refutes the notion that he's been put under a spell. He tells Titan Foiler that he cannot and will not turn back. Skull Kaiser appreciates the appeal, but he must move forward, whatever the consequences. Titan Foiler, bows his head in resignation and tells his friend that he understands. He will leave now in honor of their friendship, but next time they meet, it will be as enemies. Nou Wire is so appalled at Titan Foiler's giving Skull Kaiser a chance that he cries out. This gets Skull Kaiser's mind back on the matter at hand and he uses the Kaiser Scan to locate where the two are. Skull Kaiser tells Nou Wire that it doesn't matter what kind of tricks he uses, he's been discovered. Skull Kaiser can "see" Phantasma King and just behind him, operating the Relic Cords, is Nou Wire. Skull Kaiser uses the Ghost Kaiser, passing harmlessly through Phantasma King, and severs the bond between him and Nou Wire. He tears the root of the Relic Cords from the back of Nou Wire's neck and destroys them (they're squirming and look like they have a life of their own; actually once they're entirely free they look rather like a squid). Nou Wire limps off as Skull Kaiser sees to Phantasma King who is disconcerted from the experience. We cut to Nou Wire raising Samhain on a video screen. Once he makes his failure known, Samhain becomes very angry, telling him that he's dead already, what business does he have trying to talk to him? The light in Samhain's head begins to glow and his face takes up the whole screen as a torrent of fire spews out of his mouth and through the video screen, engulfing Nou Wire.To Be Continued...
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