(Halloween Empire)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 11 : From the Shadows, a Knife
Skull Kaiser checks on Gran Mid who is still coiled up and recuperating. He moves to go back to work on the Charge Circuit taken from Gran Pham when he is blindsided. He staggers backwards clutching his ribs where blood is coming out. He is confused and can see no opponent. He looks around carefully and sees nothing. He bows his head and appeals to the Kaiser Bones to help him locate the threat, finishing by saying, "Kaiser Scan!" Each of the bones begin to glow and send off a visible radar wave. He skips away, blocking another blow from Schatten Messer just in time. They exchange words, Skull Kaiser is calm despite his wound, but Schatten Messer is passionate about avenging Jeder Man. Schatten Messer advances but Skull Kaiser blocks each strike easily with his forearms (those Kaiser Bones are pretty tough!). Skull Kaiser punches him once knocking him back several yards but not really hurting him. He tells Schatten Messer to go back to Titan Foiler, that he was wrong to send such a young and inexperienced fighter. Further he comments on the inferior quality of Schatten Messer's knife, and that if Samhain is equipping his top fighters with such, Samhain doesn't stand a chance. Schatten Messer laughs hysterically at him. He tells Skull Kaiser that he was a hero, that all soldiers followed his exploits and wanted to be like him, but now Schatten Messer sees that all that was wasted. Skull Kaiser is washed up if he thinks that mundane knife is in fact the Carving Knife from Samhain. He pulls out another knife that doesn't look much different from the first, but Skull Kaiser can see something different about it right away. Shcatten Messer unleashes his Tracks attack and Skull Kaiser is nearly overwhelmed by the force of the blow and he's driven back several yards himself now. He pleads with Schatten Messer to stop but to no avail. We cut briefly to Phantasma King cruising through warped space trying build up more and more speed. He's concerned about Schatten Messer's safety. We cut back to the fight, Skull Kaiser is mostly on the defensive. He finally resolves himself to fighting Schatten Messer in earnest and apologizes out loud to Champagne. We cut to a bluff where we cannot see the fighting but can hear it. There are some shouts and finally, we hear, "Kaiser Claw!" Upon the bluff, Phantasma King appears and curses, striking the ground with his fists. Too late. He mourns Schatten Messer's death—he was in fact too young and too impetuous. At least he would be with his brother now.To Be Continued...
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