(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 23 : Awaken! Ghost Light!
The episode opens with Skull Kaiser plummeting with incredible speed until he crashes into a pile of bones, other piles of which litter the landscape like thickets. He's fallen into what appears to be an expansive bog where anguished howls come ceaselessly. There are dark twisted trees at intervals which act as gallows for corpses that appear to revive only to slowly strangle again. Skull Kaiser asks himself if this is Hell and chuckles to himself out of hopelessness. He has no strength and he feels as if his body is completely broken. He realizes that whichever part of Hell he's fallen into, he has lifetimes of punishment and torture to look forward to and he accepts this as the natural result of his deeds in life. A booming voice, full of command, tells him, "Just so!"Skull Kaiser's surroundings begin to flicker around him and he finds himself supported by two giants, one with the head of an ox and the other with the head of a horse. He's in a huge dark chamber lit by braziers and before him is the impossibly large and imposing figure of Lord Enma, Judge of the Dead. Skull Kaiser bows in deference while Lord Enma addresses him. He asks Skull Kaiser his true name and after a pause, Skull Kaiser says he has forgotten it, that he only remembers his life as Skull Kaiser. Lord Enma laughs and says it doesn't matter, that memory has a way of intruding when unwanted and even the best memory is sometimes suspect and always subjective. He concludes this line with, "You have lived many lifetimes because of your affiliation with Samhain and your aptitude. Learn from your experiences, but don't be ruled by the past." Lord Enma then recounts but a fraction of Skull Kaiser's evil deeds but says that what's most important was the awakening of his conscience and his sincere regret. He goes on to say that Skull Kaiser has the potential to be of great aid to the Loss Queen whose safety is more important than perhaps anyone realizes. Samhain's evil spreads like a cancer and if unchecked, will ravage all worlds in the end. Lord Enma offers Skull Kaiser a chance: Defeat the 8 Lords of Hell and receive a permanent appointment as Lord Enma's agent.
For a moment, Skull Kaiser is lost in thought, thinking about his last adventures and how they were all a dream. He doesn't have the power of Gran Mid and Gran Pham. He is one man, but as one man, he did rise through the ranks of Samhain's forces and distinguish himself; if it's at all possible to make amends for the evil of his past, he will do so. And besides, his commitment to the Loss Queen was real and heartfelt, he will not fail her. As before, there seems more to his relationship to the Loss Queen, but he stops there, and offers a respectful acceptance to Lord Enma. Lord Enma's audience chamber flickers out of existence and Skull Kaiser is once again lying in the thicket of bones.
Skull Kaiser still feels broken and weak, but if Lord Enma offered the opportunity, it must be attainable so he forces himself to stand. He suddenly realizes that he's still wearing the Kaiser Bones and he is confused. The Bones explain that they have chosen Skull Kaiser as their host and that they cannot be separated now. Skull Kaiser is moved by the gesture and his spirits are raised by their entreaties to persevere. They are interrupted by shouts and suddenly they are surrounded by demons and the damned alike. One of the demons punches Skull Kaiser in the stomach and he doubles over. He is aghast—he knew he was weak, but the power of the blow was completely unexpected and he begins to lose heart once again thinking that such strength at the beginning of his long road is futile to fight against. He is beset by those surrounding him and begins to receive a nasty beating.
The Kaiser Bones speak up again and tell him not to give up. They inform him that in life, food nourishes the body and the body is made stronger by exercise. In death, the body remains as a vessel but is nourished only by Ghost Light which in turn can be made stronger with exercise, thus making the body powerful. Skull Kaiser is told he has a powerful Ghost Light, but that he must learn to control it. The Kaiser Bones continue, "Concentrate! When your limbs lack the strength, still do you have the means. Lash out with your fighting spirit!"
For a moment, we can hear nothing but Skull Kaiser's heart beat, then he becomes aware of something within himself, a low hum which he identifies as his burgeoning Ghost Light. Something snaps inside him and he begins to cry out. A very large demon before him is about to brain him as Skull Kaiser raises his shout to a crescendo and there is an explosion around him. All the demons are sent flying but the one who was about to brain him is pinned to a gnarled tree by the crackling power of the Kaiser Beam, a jagged lightning bolt that shoots from an aura around his head! The demon smoulders to ash as Skull Kaiser stands up and brushes himself off. Many of the demons lay scattered. Some are burned to death, some are rolling on the ground in agony, some are staring wide-eyed and fearful at Skull Kaiser, but no more do they approach him. Skull Kaiser thanks the Kaiser Bones and says he feels very powerful. The Kaiser Bones tell him that's because he's awakened his Ghost Light and it'll only get stronger.
Skull Kaiser turns to one of the demons and politely asks the way to the 8th gate. Shaking, the demon points to a winding road of cobblestones. Skull Kaiser traces the road with his eyes and in the distance sees a large raised platform with what looks like a giant Shinto gate against the gray sky. He sets off down the road, thanking the demon.
To Be Continued...
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