(Halloween Empire)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 03 : Beware the Embrace of Eternity
Skull Kaiser confidently makes his way through the Loss Tower, dispatching straggling soldiers and ordering his own to secure various floors. He makes his way to the throne room where he knocks the doors off their hinges. The Loss Queen, Champagne, is very petite, with jet black hair and very pale, white skin—she's beautiful. Her totem is the butterfly and gossamer wings flutter at her back. She seems inordinately calm and offers Skull Kaiser the opportunity to give up his violent intent. She tries to reason with him, explaining the danger to countless worlds if Samhain should gain control of the Tower. Skull Kaiser apologizes to her, sorry that circumstances aren't different, but he has his orders. While Samhain's agenda is not his concern, effecting it is. He apologizes again and tries to attack her. Without moving, she defends herself with unseen forces. He tries again and again, but is beaten back each time. Champagne tells him his attacks are futile, to give up and be forgiven, but Skull Kaiser is tenacious and proud of his abilities. She sees the inevitability of his fate and on his final attack, she powers up, and, to his great surprise, defeats him utterly. We cut to Samhain's Root Palace, as Samhain becomes instantly aware of Skull Kaiser's defeat. He summons Bone Reaper, presents him with the Ivory Scythe, and orders him to make for the Skeleton Territory immediately to complete the job Skull Kaiser started. Bone Reaper sets off as ordered and gloats at Skull Kaiser's defeat. He's been cheated out of his rightful position as the Skeleton General long enough.To Be Continued...
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