(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 31 : Hidden Fire! Is This the End?!
The episode opens with Doubashira and Skull Kaiser squared off against each other as they begin fighting. They seem relatively evenly matched and exchange blows for some time until Doubashira steps up his efforts. He lets loose the Sagitta Tempestus, which Skull Kaiser is able to mostly fend off. He's left with a number of quills stuck in him at random and isn't terribly impressed with Doubashira's move. Doubashira shrugs and laughs informing Skull Kaiser that the move is more than sufficient for many, but that Skull Kaiser is very strong.Doubashira's light-hardheartedness disappears instantly, though, when he warns Skull Kaiser not to underestimate a blow delivered as things are not always as they appear. He calls attention to a particular rose-colored quill (the rest are all white) stuck in Skull Kaiser's chest. Skull Kaiser is worried and goes to remove the quill when Doubashira shouts, "Carnis Fornax!" Skull Kaiser immediately erupts into translucent flames and he cries out in agony. Doubashira is pleased saying that while he passed the test of the Copper Pillar, he still harbors lust which can be used against him. Doubashira notes Skull Kaiser's amazing will power, which enabled him to escape the embrace of the Pillar, but the Carnis Fornax bypasses the mind's defense and attacks the lust directly, stoking it like a fire and causing it to burn furiously, which may have the effect of consuming his opponent entirely. The fire starts to burn out and Skull Kaiser drops to one knee, asking what inside him is causing this fire to burn so painfully. Doubashira is confused for a moment and realizes/remembers that Skull Kaiser doesn't recall his life prior to Samhain. He tells Skull Kaiser that he was weak in all ways before becoming Skull Kaiser and he reiterates this irony originally pointed out by Lord Ox in episode 24.
Skull Kaiser acknowledges what he saw in the Copper Pillar, but cannot understand how that representation can be connected with his previous life. Doubashira explains that all souls have echoes, but goes no further than that except to say that recollection will come soon, but to beware its impact. Doubashira changes the subject and explains that true love is comprises many things and that a desire for intimacy is not wrong, just a part of the whole. However, Skull Kaiser's two identities have disproportionate guilt with regard to lust and that's why he's suffering now.
Skull Kaiser forces himself to stand and acknowledges the sins of his past; he still doesn't understand the connection between his past and present lives, but he is committed to success and will not give up. Doubashira is taken aback by Skull Kaiser's endurance but he gathers himself, holds his palm out and shouts, "Carnis Fornax!" Another rose-colored feather issues forth, but Skull Kaiser catches it between two fingers and counters with the Kaiser Beam.
Doubashira is standing with smoke rising from his body, his armor is ragged, his faceplate has partly broken away exposing one glazed eye. He drops to his knees and falls on his face.
We cut to Agrippa and Merlot who are bowing before Champagne. Merlot stands and gives a report on the advancing Halloween armies. We see a scratchy and dark video feed, presumably from the robot ant we saw in the previous episode. Champagne asks for suggestions, and Merlot looks as if she has one but is afraid to present it. Champagne urges her and Merlot posits first that if Gran Mal arrives with Samhain's remaining forces, there will be little hope for keeping the Loss Tower secure, but if they can intercept Gran Mal and at least avert that amount of firepower coming to bear, then they have a chance. Champagne acknowledges the simplicity of that plan and asks what Merlot was concerned about. After a moment of deliberation, Merlot explains that if Agrippa can utilize his Tabehoudai against Titan Foiler and acquire the power of the Titan Star, their odds would be greatly increased. With the one possible exception of the Unstable Amethyst, the Titan Star seems to be the one artifact that possesses the kind and degree of power that would impart permanent benefit to Agrippa—plus it would eliminate Titan Foiler as a threat. She bows her head and provides her calculated odds for Agrippa's success and they are not favorable. Before Champagne can say anything, Agrippa stands up full of tearful pride and begs to be allowed the chance to defeat Titan Foiler. They have nothing to lose by trying and they can only succeed if they try. Champagne's eyes well with tears, and she thanks Agrippa whole-hardheartedly for his devotion as the episode closes.
To Be Continued...