(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 43 : Resurrected Technique! Ghost Kaiser!
Skull Kaiser is down on his hands and knees, panting and asking himself what he just experienced. He wonders if he could actually have been that wild man. Apparently reading Skull Kaiser's mind, Shinzan laughs out loud, and says of course it was him. He mocks Skull Kaiser, telling him that that was the first time that violence became his solution to all things, and the first time that Samhain took notice of him. Skull Kaiser grips his head in both hands and shakes it violently. He clears his senses as best as possible and stands up, saying that he doesn't doubt Shinzan in the slightest, but he isn't finished yet and he has a mission to complete. Shinzan is incredulous, but Skull Kaiser continues, telling the gatekeeper that he knows one technique that no one can stand against. Shinzan nods with curiosity and interest.We cut to the interior of the Loss Tower where Agrippa, Merlot, and Phantasma King (who's clearly not a prisoner, but an ally) are giving a hasty report to the Loss Queen of how dire the situation is. They are interrupted by what seems like an earthquake. Agrippa tells everyone to seek safety in the secret depths of the Tower while he goes to take care of the situation. He arrives at the main gates and attempts to bolster them just in time to have them crash in on him. He gets up and sees the outstretched fist of Pythagoras and marvels at his power. Pythagoras steps forward, relaxing, and as the dust clears, we can see 4 other figures behind him. Agrippa recognizes Samhain and Gear Binder, but not the Unicorn-styled man who's just punched in the gates, or the little haloed figure with a lens for a face, or the giant, chalk-skinned woman. Swallowing his doubt, Agrippa makes a joke about how Samhain needed to go and fetch reinforcements when he thought he had the whole thing won. Gear Binder steps forward, suddenly realizing that Agrippa has somehow stolen the power of the Titan Star. He's incensed by this and fires the Clockwork Beam at Agrippa. Agrippa ducks and rushes Gear Binder, giving him a savage uppercut which almost cleans Gear Binder's head from from his shoulders. The head falls limply to one side and it's clearly devoid of any life. Agrippa is back where he started almost instantly and Samhain chuckles, saying only, "Interesting." Agrippa shrugs. He says the Creation Cogs should prove to be an adequate source of fuel for the Inversion Gun, and then Gear Binder's body is locked under a neon star-in-circle, which lights up on the ground at his feet. The energy from the Creation Cogs rises up into the air and then a beam of intense energy comes right back down parallel to it and blows the foyer to hell. Samhain and the rest go flying but appear unhurt. Agrippa isn't reassured by this and he's taken totally by surprise as Pythagoras does a Gravity Well attack on him. A crater forms beneath Agrippa and he looks as though he's being crushed by a great, invisible weight. Pythagoras releases the pressure and Agrippa springs back up like an accordion, then collapses on his own, hurt and confused. He struggles to get up and hears i say that Gear Binder was rather frail after all, so they shouldn't be surprised. Samhain asks if i will be able to figure out the Tower's secrets and i assures him he will. Pythagoras starts to move towards Agrippa as the latter tries to scuttle away. The Loss Queen arrives to interrupt, almost ignoring the situation, telling Agrippa that it's time for him to return to his duties in the Tower, and to leave the guests to her.
We cut back to Skull Kaiser who is powering up his Ghost Light. He tells Shinzan that he doesn't feel that he's above punishment for what he's done wrong, but he simply must win here. Shinzan is growing impatient and tells Skull Kaiser that if he has a technique to use, then he'd better get on with it. Skull Kaiser nods and thinks to himself that, while he's used this technique before, it was in a dream. Still, it is familiar to him and he wonders why he's never tried it since discovering his Ghost Light. His Ghost Light explodes and Skull Kaiser shimmers as if he's not entirely solid. He tells Shinzan that this will be his first defeat and it's the end for him. Skull Kaiser shouts out, "Ghost Kaiser!" and he moves like a streak towards Shinzan. He reaches his hands into Shinzan's face, twists them deftly, and his whole form continues on in a streak past the spike-studded giant until he lands in a crouch beyond him. Skull Kaiser's path lights up with golden, electrical fire, that follows him to his final position and the force of the fire knocks Shinzan down. Skull Kaiser stands up with a strange, tangible light between his hands. He opens his hands freeing the light and thanks Shinzan for the opportunity to fight, then turns to Heiliger, who is standing by. Heiliger nods with a solemn smile.
To Be Continued...
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