(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 38 : Drowning in the Blood of Victims!
Skull Kaiser and Oketsu begin fighting, but it soon becomes very clear that Skull Kaiser's physical attacks mean nothing to the blood golem, since they just splash through him and he reforms with no harm done. Oketsu laughs and asks Skull Kaiser what's wrong. Skull Kaiser provides a voice over explaining his dilemma and figures that the only real solution is to build up his Ghost Light and use the Kaiser Beam. As he is thinking this, Oketsu goes on the offensive and proceeds to beat Skull Kaiser more soundly than we've ever seen. Skull Kaiser is having trouble matching Oketsu's speed and blocking his liquid attacks. When Oketsu's blows connect, it's like sacks of sand smashing into Skull Kaiser.Oketsu continues to punish Skull Kaiser relentlessly for what seems a long time, then apparently satisfied with that, he rises into the air, backing away from Skull Kaiser and performs his Blood of Victims attack. From his outstretched right palm a drop of blood rises, where the light makes it look like a beautiful, scarlet pearl. A swirling drain effect distorts our view of Skull Kaiser and he appears to be drawn screaming into the drop hovering over Oketsu's palm. Oketsu again laughs hysterically.
We cut to Titan Foiler reacting to the damage done to Gran Mal (by Merlot) as the Gran cants to one side. There is no sign of attack that he can ascertain, but as he's looking at the monitors and screens, they start to shut down sporadically. He cannot contain his rage; he has no idea what's going on, only that things are going badly. He orders Nou Wire to take charge of his army and exit Gran Mal at once to determine the threat if any and eliminate it. Nou Wire nods impassively and takes his leave. Titan Foiler is trying to make the monitors work and checking everything, flipping switches and trying anything he can. At one still-working monitor, he sees what appears to be Phantasma King in the engine room shutting down key systems. Clearly Phantasma King is a saboteur and, referring to the dream, Titan Foiler says that he will give Phantasma King warning, but he is going to make slow, satisfying sport of destroying him this time. He sets off, exiting the bridge.
Skull Kaiser is surrounded by red liquid, clutching at his throat. The Kaiser Bones don't understand how the blood is able to get through their protection, but Skull Kaiser knows it's because of his long career under Samhain. He's having trouble remaining conscious and starts to think that perhaps this is his fate, that his cruelty in the past amounts to too much, that this is his just and rightful end. He thinks of the Loss Queen and for a moment, she appears to be a normal human with no butterfly wings and dressed in mundane, 20th century clothing. This is a brief flash (which Skull Kaiser doesn't question or acknowledge) and then she looks just like the Loss Queen again. He begins to think of all the people he's fought in her service to make amends for all the things he's done wrong. The voice of the Kaiser Bones can now be heard (they fade in as if they've been shouting at him all along) and they're telling him to persevere, to be strong, and not give up. The Kaiser Bones begin to glow very brightly with Ghost Light and then Skull Kaiser seems to explode. Skull Kaiser is down on one knee dripping with blood and panting while Oketsu is shocked, clutching at the stump of his right arm (which does not reform).
To Be Continued...
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