(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 41 : Behold, Titan Agrippa!
The episode opens with the camera slowly panning across Skull Kaiser at an odd angle, then we get a similar view of Shinzan. They seem to be regarding each other, calculating the best strategy to use and the best moment to strike. Skull Kaiser is the first to attack. Deciding to lead this time with Ghost Light, he blasts Shinzan with the Kaiser Beam. There is a big explosion, but Shinzan comes through the blast merely smoking and otherwise unaffected. The 2nd Gatekeeper snickers an uppercuts Skull Kaiser, doubling him over, and causing a spray of blood to shoot from the mouth of the Kaiser Bones—a first! Then Shinzan proceeds to use Skull Kaiser for a punching bag. Each time Shinzan hits, it's especially punishing since every part of him is heavy, metal, and sharp. Skull Kaiser makes an attempt to grab at specific spikes, and after several failed attempts due to the beating Shinzan is handing out, he's finally able to break off one spike, but it was a great effort. Not only that, but the broken spike didn't seem to have any effect. Skull Kaiser begins to seriously doubt his ability to defeat this gatekeeper. What strategy could he possibly use against an opponent whose every touch causes a new wound or aggravates an old one? He looks into what amounts to Shinzan's face, a tangle of sharp points, and thinks he sees a weakness buried deep within and safely behind the metal brambles. He laughs to himself and urges himself forward as he has nothing to lose. He starts defending himself better, catching Shinzan's blows and turning them back so they don't draw blood, but Skull Kaiser can't seem to make an attack. This continues for some time until he's finally able to make an attack; he attempts a Kaiser Claw, but as he approaches, the spikes that make up Shinzan's face stretch out in all directions and pierce both Skull Kaiser's hands, his face and his chest. Shinzan back-fists Skull Kaiser away then follows him in the air and uppercuts him into the interior wall of needle mountain, mashing him between the spikes there and his big, sharp, knotty fist. Blood jets from countless wounds and Skull Kaiser remains pinned while Shinzan lands back down on the fighting ring.We cut to Gran Lej, standing up and casting aside its metal shield. It appears to stare at the burning hulk of what remains of Gran Mal, but turns to regard a voice from behind. Agrippa says that Phantasma King is their prisoner, that Kali Dharma and Titan Foiler are dead, to submit and give up the Relic Cords or be destroyed. Nou Wire snorts and moves quickly to attack with Gran Lej. Merlot steps into view and performs the Phantom Army which pushes Gran Leg back, off balance, and destroys a number of surface Puppet Soldiers. Agrippa looks carefully at Gran Lej and a neon circle with a five-pointed star within appears in the center of Gran Lej's chest. Agrippa launches into the air, straight for the target, pierces Gran Lej's breast, and tackles Nou Wire, tearing him out of Gran Lej through its back. Several strands of the Relic Cords snap as Agrippa and Nou Wire continue through the air, at which point Gran Lej collapses upon itself and the Puppet Soldiers scramble to reorient themselves. Nou Wire attempts to separate himself from Agrippa by performing the Wheel Kick. He strikes with both feet and succeeds in freeing himself, but he's chipped both feet in the process. The two fall back to the ground and Nou Wire is shocked at how ineffective his kick was—the reports on Agrippa MUST have been inaccurate. Agrippa lands within the throng of Puppet Soldiers where he wades through them as if they were trash. Nou Wire begins to notice Agrippa's silver coloring, then he thinks he remembers seeing the image of the Titan Star on Agrippa's breast. Nou Wire is incredulous, but shudders at the possible implications. Agrippa can sense Nou Wire's dawning awareness and asks him if he's figured it out, if he realizes he's now dealing with Titan Agrippa! Agrippa begins to laugh hysterically as countless Puppet Soldiers become rooted to the ground by red neon stars-in-circles. More and more soldiers are incapacitated in this way and it becomes clear that their energy is rising up to a common point in the sky. Agrippa shouts out, "This is the end for you! Titan Star: Inversion Gun!!" All the collected energy up in the sky glows and swells, then shoots down in one concentrated beam focusing down on Nou Wire, vaporizing him and the Relic Cords.
To Be Continued...
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