(In Hell)
Skull Kaiser, formerly one of Samhain's greatest generals, stages a rebellion against impossible odds. The fate of countless worlds rests upon his ability to protect the Loss Queen and beat back her assailants. Along the way he is forced to fight old friends and make new allies...
Episode 34 : For the Sake of the Queen, Fight!
The episode opens as Heiliger announces the beginning of the contest. Aurelius, striped in gold and black and modeled after a bee, steps forward unsure of himself, but mutters that there's only one thing to do. Skull Kaiser bows to Aurelius and says that he hopes that meeting under these new circumstances can wipe out the enmity between them. This causes Aurelius to hesitate even more until he's spurred on the words of Pompeii. Pompeii is a towering giant, with heavy black armor modeled after a stag beetle. Aurelius gathers himself and starts running to attack Skull Kaiser. He leaps up aided by his wings, somersaulting until he gets close to Skull Kaiser and shouts out "Spin Stinger!" Between his shoulder blades and wings, there's what looks like a pod-shaped backpack; a sharp blade lengthens from there so that it hooks upwards with each rotation. Skull Kaiser readies himself, catches the stinger in his left hand, pushes it back in the opposite direction, then uppercuts Aurelius in the face with his right fist. Aurelius cries out, flying off out of control. He rises up to his hands and knees and cannot believe how powerful Skull Kaiser has become, and the question of his sincerity shouldn't be a question at all anymore, he's passed too many tests.Once again Pompeii attempts to rally his comrade, but this time the suggestion only brings tears to Aurelius's eyes. Aurelius explains that he cannot in good conscience continue: Skull Kaiser was and is superior. Pompeii takes this in good stride, excited by the opportunity to face Skull Kaiser once more. Drusus, modeled after a scorpion, makes a noise illustrating his complete disgust and mutters how easy it is for some to forget the injustices of the past. Pompeii pats Aurelius on the back and laughs good-naturedly, telling him everything is okay. He greets Skull Kaiser and says that it's been a long time. He tells Skull Kaiser that he bears him no ill will: they had a fight and Pompeii lost; he has been lucky enough to be able to practice in the afterlife and hopes that he can beat Skull Kaiser now. But really, all that matters is that the best man be allowed to defend the Loss Queen.
So, to begin, Pompeii shouts, "For the sake of the Queen, fight!" and begins charging at Skull Kaiser. They exchange blows and seem better matched. It's clear that Pompeii loves fighting for the pure sport and challenge of it. No matter how the fight is going, he's in good spirits and even praises Skull Kaiser's skill. Skull Kaiser notes that Pompeii's armor is nearly impervious, as Pompeii notes that Skull Kaiser's defense is impassable. Pompeii quickly powers up the horns growing from his brow and performs his Beat Attacker, which sends out waves of destructive energy. Skull Kaiser instantly counters with the Kaiser Beam and they appear deadlocked as their respective attacks clash and struggle for supremacy.
In the end, Skull Kaiser is able to overwhelm the Beat Attacker with the Kaiser Beam and Pompeii is sent hurtling into the amphitheater stands. After a moment, Pompeii rises laughing hysterically. He concedes and says that Skull Kaiser is the clear choice unless Drusus can prove successful. He urges on his comrade from the stands. Drusus, incensed by Pompeii's light attitude, glowers and steps up saying that he will single-handedly uphold the honor of the Loss Queen. He will be sure to defeat Skull Kaiser.
We cut to the interior of the Loss Tower, where we see Merlot watching a screen of the exterior where some of the few remaining soldiers of the Loss Queen are falling to a seemingly invisible enemy. One of the soldiers is trying to report through the chaos, and says that wounds are being inflicted with what appears to be little more than a knife, but the wounds are are precise and often fatal. Agrippa realizes that this is the work of Schatten Messer and goes outside to deal with him. Merlot wishes him luck as the episode closes.
To Be Continued...
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