Wednesday, June 1, 2011

F-Gene (Fighter)

The Farsenkals Gene. The F-Gene is named for Professor Jango Farsenkals, who, before the establishment of the Viscain Empire, identified the piece of the genetic puzzle responsible for producing the fantastic potential exploited by F-Gene fighters.

F-Gene fighters respond to severe stimulation, either in a controlled environment or through natural circumstance, by overcoming it. This conditions first the body then the mind, and enables the F-Gene fighter to perform superhuman feats, making them excellent candidates for receiving the Emperor's Artifacts and becoming Shades.

Let us compare a normal human to a glass of water, where the glass is the potential and the amount of water is the potential that's been met.

An individual with the F-Gene might be compared to a barrel.  If the individual is not pushed, the amount of water in the barrel may never exceed that in the glass of the normal human. But, through increasingly intense physical exertion, always pushing the limits of possibility, the F-Gene fighter will steadily fill the barrel until it's full.

Of course, the size of the vessel, or capacity for development, varies with F-Gene fighters, and in some rare cases, individuals have shown such a rapid and consistent response to stimulation as to set them apart from the rest. Those who fit this pattern are said to possess Superior Grade F-Genes.

Because of mechanical limitations, most gravity trainers are only able to produce 25 Gs. Some special issue trainers exceed this limit, but few F-Gene fighters, even those considered to be Superior Grade, have surpassed the 25 G mark.

Besides the obvious physical feats, F-Gene fighters have also demonstrated a marked capacity for mental expansion, most often as it relates to their martial training. In this way, F-Gene fighters are sometimes able to produce effects comparable to top psychics. Approaching Infinity techniques and the meditative 9 Order Fist are but two examples.

A number of methods have been devised for identifying and encouraging the F-Gene, but the frequency remains at about 5-10% of any given population sample. Research continues, but has shown no significant increase in results since the early years of the Empire, when interest in Professor Farsenkals's work peaked.

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