12,300 words
A bit sluggish again this last month, but with more family visiting, it couldn’t be helped. March is looking the same with family AND friends visiting. Wouldn’t change that if I could. Still moving forward, though, which is great, and still promise to have something out by year’s end.
For those of you who purchased The Damnation Reprieve prior to its re-release in December 2015, it looks like you may have to contact Amazon customer support to get the additional content—and for this you have my sincerest apologies. I wrongly thought that it would be a simple matter of re-downloading the book once the new version was live, but I was mistaken. I’ve requested that Amazon send out updates to all pre-December customers, but they are reluctant to do so because it would wipe out bookmarks, annotations, etc. I believe that any request you make should be honored since you would be giving your consent to have the new content overwrite the old. Unfortunately, I can’t undo this, but I can make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Thank you, as always, for your support!