Monday, January 20, 2014


I think I just finished the first draft of The Path to Loss. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Path to Loss: Progress Report 12

Approaching Infinity: Book Four
86,100 words

Well, I didn't quite make it by the end of the year. I'm very close, though. Only a little ways left to go then editing and clean-up.

I went from 10k words per month to 5k. Not so bad and I wouldn't change the circumstances that brought the reduction for anything. I do hope to be more productive in 2014, though.

I'm very anxious about book five. The story told therein will bring me full-circle to the creative origin of Jav Holson, who had no other name than Skull Kaiser back in 2000 when I started on summaries for a fictitious TV show. Everything so far has been building up the events that will occur in the next book. I hope the ride so far and the one still to come has been and will be enjoyable to you.

And, I just wanted to add...

Happy New Year!
I hope 2014 is your best year yet!