Approaching Infinity: Book Four
59,700 words
There have been some adjustments; maintaining my previous schedule is no longer possible, but book four moves forward and I am committed to finishing it this year.
I wish I had more interesting things to report for this go (and more regularly) but time is elusive and I usually find my self-discipline failing me at the end of the day. I'm trying to change that. I'm now trying to write at least a little every night after putting my daughter to bed. Before, I was waiting to write on the weekends, but that, for various reasons, proved to be fruitless and so disappointing. For the last couple of days, though, I've managed to get to my desk and spit out at least a few hundred words before getting to bed with enough sleep to be able to function at work the next day. Routines are good until they aren't. Some are forever. Let's hope this one sticks.